Health and Hormonal Benefits
It is well documented that both men and women will benefit from lifting weights to enhance health and longevity. The hormonal benefits are especially interesting when it comes to both older and younger athletes.
It is well documented that both men and women will benefit from lifting weights to enhance health and longevity. The hormonal benefits are especially interesting when it comes to both older and younger athletes.

Enhance Posture
Almost every athlete I interview is interested in running faster with more “finishing strength”. Postural excellence is paramount to breathing well and allowing for optimal run form. The ability to hold yourself in a powerful posture during training and racing will equate to faster and more physical comfort when the going gets tough!
Almost every athlete I interview is interested in running faster with more “finishing strength”. Postural excellence is paramount to breathing well and allowing for optimal run form. The ability to hold yourself in a powerful posture during training and racing will equate to faster and more physical comfort when the going gets tough!

Build Full Body Strength
Building full body strength is paramount to performance gains but how much is too much? There is a point of diminishing returns when it comes to building strength.
How much you can deadlift is NOT directly correlated to how fast you can run or ride a bike.
How many pull ups does not correlate with how fast you can swim.
ECFIT Strength Programs have proven stories of success of getting the training balance just right for endurance athletes.
Building full body strength is paramount to performance gains but how much is too much? There is a point of diminishing returns when it comes to building strength.
How much you can deadlift is NOT directly correlated to how fast you can run or ride a bike.
How many pull ups does not correlate with how fast you can swim.
ECFIT Strength Programs have proven stories of success of getting the training balance just right for endurance athletes.